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Hi there, welcome to my blog - La Revolution Deux. It's an odd name - but I like it! Here you will find all the info on my various DIY Guitar effects builds, amplifiers and guitars. Everything from a humble Ibanez tubescreamer to the holiest KLON Overdrive.

You may also find a few effects builds that I am looking to move on - usually in exchange for other effects/gear/cash. You can always check my ebay account to see what I've got up for grabs.

Have fun, enjoy the blog - Fred Briggs :-)


Feel free to get in contact with me about anything you see on this blog or with any general questions about guitars, amplifiers and effects, I'll be happy to answer! Just click the button above to email me directly or alternately my email address is fredbriggs2007 [at] googlemail [dot] com

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Thursday 24 May 2012

Maxon / Ibanez - Super Tube Screamer ST-9

This was one of my all time favourite pedals - the *harder to find than hen's teeth* Super Tube Screamer ST-9. I had it stolen many years ago and I've been looking out for a replacement ever since! But, no need now - the schematic is available thanks to the wonderous Dirk Hendrik :-D So we can all build ourselves one of these super rare beasts.

So what is the ST-9? It's basically an Ibanez 9 Series Tube Screamer with a "Mid Boost" control up in front.

Here's a demo video of the ST-9 in action;

Here's the schematic from Dirk;

And here's a PCB layout for it by Boris; https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BwMWxzd7lEJ4aDd1V2V4cEJibW8

Along with a hand sketched layout file (It's clear enough if you download it);

I would recommend this build to anyone who like Tube Screamer type overdrives - it's an absolute little cracker! For those of you who do attempt a build here's the freestompboxes.org forum topic which includes some useful info for you: http://freestompboxes.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3536

*Note* - A lot of people mix the Super Tube Screamer ST-9 with the "STL Super Tube" which was a later spin off of the ST-9! Here's the "STL Super Tube";

The Ibanez Super Tube - not the same as the ST-9!

The STL Super Tube is almost the same electronically as the the ST-9, the only major difference being that the Mid Boost control is placed after the clipping stage rather than before it. Here's a schematic for the STL Super Tube;

Both pedals sound good and are certainly worth a build!


  1. Great post. As an alternative you could check out the Ibanez Jet Driver. Rumors are that it's 1 for 1.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Check this out, here is a PCB for the ST-9: https://aionelectronics.com/project/cirrus-ibanez-st9-super-tube-screamer/

  4. It is very nice that you share this with us.

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