Joyo (Which have been rebranded Harley Bensonpedals are all the rage around the Boutique scene at the moment. It's common knowledge that the Freakish Blues Alpha Drive is just a repainted Joyo Ultimate Drive. However, the Ultimate Drive is just a clone of the Fulltone OCD (Which itself is a close copy of the Voodoo Labs Overdrive). It's a long family tree....
Here's a demo video of them side by side:
And here's a nice clip of just the Alpha Drive:
And here's the schematic:
Now, you could build yourself an OCD clone and have done with it, or you could buy one of these for $35 and save yourself some cash:
If you want to build yourself an OCD clone check out this great project on the blog:
Here's a nice post detailing some gain modifications to the Joyo circuit:
Here's a nice post detailing some gain modifications to the Joyo circuit:
Replacing the germanium diode with a 4148 takes out the hi freq fizz. the switch is dumb. why would i want to partially remove the tone stack.