Saturday 4 February 2012

Joyo - Ultimate Drive / Freakish Blues - Alpha Drive

Joyo (Which have been rebranded Harley Bensonpedals are all the rage around the Boutique scene at the moment. It's common knowledge that the Freakish Blues Alpha Drive is just a repainted Joyo Ultimate Drive. However, the Ultimate Drive is just a clone of the Fulltone OCD (Which itself is a close copy of the Voodoo Labs Overdrive). It's a long family tree....

Here's a demo video of them side by side:

And here's a nice clip of just the Alpha Drive:

And here's the schematic:

Now, you could build yourself an OCD clone and have done with it, or you could buy one of these for $35 and save yourself some cash:

If you want to build yourself an OCD clone check out this great project on the blog:

Here's a nice post detailing some gain modifications to the Joyo circuit:

1 comment:

  1. Replacing the germanium diode with a 4148 takes out the hi freq fizz. the switch is dumb. why would i want to partially remove the tone stack.


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