Friday 3 February 2012

Dunlop - JH-F1 - Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face

Jimi Hendrix, not much to say really. He invented guitar tone. Here's an offering from Dunlop that gives you the chance to recreate the awesome walls of fuzz carnage he used to create! Here's a gutshot:

And a video of this bad boy in action:

AnalogGuru traced the schematic here:

You can build it on any standard Fuzz Face PCB/Vero layout. Just make sure you make the correct parts substitutions. Here's a vero layout from Monkeyxx;

Have Fun, and make sure you play Voodoo Chile:

For more info on the Hendrix Fuzz Face check out the forum topic, there's loads of decent information there on building these things up and tweaking them about;


  1. having trouble trying to find a 470k log pot. does anyone know where to find one or if there is a substitute.

  2. a 500k log pot will do the work fine too

  3. I built this the other day, subbed a 500k log for the 470k log. Used BC108C's matched at 315 HFE. Also had to replace the 20k resistor for 4.7k at Q1 collector as the voltage was too low for me to achieve the suggested 1.35v. For the suggested 47p cap I had serious hissing/squealing when the fuzz was near max to max so I replaced it with 100p and all noise disappeared. Also cut the board size down a little. After all the testing it works. Don't know what the Dunlop build is supposed to sound like but this sounds really nice. So yeah it's great thanks for posting this!

  4. Schematic image doesn't work any more.


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