Monday 12 March 2012

WEM / Watkins / Rush - Pep Box Fuzz

Early Pre-WEM and GermaniumWEM Pep Box

Later Silicon Transistor WEM Pep Box
The Pep Box is one of those old vintage effects that lives in a strange world of popular mystery - not as widely known as the Fuzz Face, Univibe or Tonebender yet still used by some of the most well known artists of the 60s on some of the most important Rock 'n Roll records of the time. Here, for example is John Lennon and his Pep Box around the Revolver era:

Here's some guts from a silicon model Pep Box:

And the PEP Box Fuzz in action:

And here are the schematics for both the silicon and germanium models of the PEP Box:

And a great vero layout for the germanium version by Sinner (

And here's a link to the thread:


  1. Excelente... vintage fuzz

  2. Very coo stuff. Photograps show that the picture of John Lennon with the Pep Box was taken during the "Paperback Writer"/"Rain" sessions, April 1966.


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