Monday 12 March 2012

Jen (Gretsch Playboy) - Harmon Booster

Nightraven has taken his apart and offers some description of the tone of this strange unit: "it's basically an overdrive pedal that borders on fuzztone with the controls dimed and having a dirty amp to start with. very underrated IMHO - i think it's loads better than Tubescreamers and the various copies."

For a better idea of how it sounds check this demo video out:

Soniciv also uploaded a schematic for the unit:

8 transistors! Yep, they aren't all gain stages though as you can see there's quite a few buffer stages in there with a big muff type tone control at the end of the circuit (with a buffer either side of it!)...

And here's a great vero from Sinner over at

For more info check out the forum topic out:

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