Wednesday 11 January 2012

Invading Cannibal Ladybirds - Fuzz/Distortion/Delay

Is it a fuzz? Is it a distortion? Is it a delay? No it's an Invading Cannibal Ladybird..... Hmmm.

Here is the schematic for a crazy device I knocked up on breadboard. It's a Cannibalization of the Parallel Universe from, the big muff tone control and the lofi delay created by Allesz for last months circuit competition. It's a truly unholy circuit and creates all sorts of screaming, oscillating, feedbacking (is that even a word!?), beeping, buzzing and whooshing sounds.

Some of the values need tweaking and it could do with an output buffer but for what it is it's great, just pure fun noisemaking - it's almost a synth. The gain control for the fuzz section is the volume knob on your guitar  Add some modulation to the delay time (sequencer? LFO?) and you have a really crazy beast..

Build it up and have some fun - just don't expect any Stevie Ray Vaughan tones from this thing, cause it eats tubescreamers for breakfast

The circuit name comes from this thread/article I found the other day: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=15718

1 comment:

  1. Hey !
    That a really funky project !!!
    Hope to get somedays a vero of this ladybirds.
    Greatz from france !
    I'm a big fan of your work.


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