Monday 9 January 2012

Zvex - Box of Rock

Here is one that I get emailed about quite a bit - full project for download here; [NOTE on the schematic C7 is listed as 100n, it actually needs to be 10n]

It's an ex-madbean project - go visit his f**king brilliant site here for loads of DIY goodness;

Here is a schematic for reference:

You'll notice it's his "signature" Super Hard On circuit (Which is a great building block!) cascaded into one another. The tone control is a derivative of the classic Big Muff setup (But the actual values are nicked from the well known DIY project the "Brown Sound in a Box II" (BSIAB for short). Interesting really.

Here's your demo video:


  1. This mediafire link is to a pdf for a krankosaurus. Is there one for the Zvex?

  2. The Krankosaurus is a Box of Rock, it's just what madbean decided to call the project.

  3. Oh, thanks for letting me know

  4. i used the above schematic, plotted in eagle in a late-night daze, to produce my BOR pcbs. didn't even question the series-resistors. doh! never mind, just means there are four extra resistors on my boards and my face is slightly redder than normal :)

  5. how to wire the footswitch ??
    please ...

  6. What software did you use to draw the schematic?


Comments are welcome on Revolution Deux. However, please do not spam links to unrelated sites - these comments will be removed! Thanks - Briggs.