Wednesday 21 March 2012

Builder Overview - Pigdog Effects

Pigdog Fuzz 1.5 - Tone Bender MK1.5 Replica
Pigdog Fuzz 1.5 Gutshot
Pigdog Effects are the creations of Steve Williams and they're grown in his organic pedal allotment which is located in London, England. As you can see from the images above and below his creations are some of the finest available - the build quality and aesthetic is second to none; just check out those gutshots. Here's a small interview with Steve that was conducted by Bart over at the great www.Effectsdatabase.com

Black Case Pigdog Fuzz 1.5
Gutshot of Black Case Pigdog Fuzz 1.5
Pigdog Fuzz 1.5 & II Combo (Tonebender MK1.5 & MKII Pro)
Gutshot of Pigdog combo
Pigdog Mini Competition Driver (Rangemaster + input cap blend)
Gutshot of Pigdog Mini Comp Driver
Pigdog Tonebender MKII Professional Rebuild
Gutshot of Tonebender MKII Rebuild
Pigdog Fuzz (MKIII Tone Bender Replica)
Check out the construction method here on the Pigdog Tone Bender MKI replica below and compare it to the original Tone Bender MKI - The case is a replica of the original MKI folded steel case the circuit is constructed point to point on a through hole board - replicating the exact manner in which the original MKI Tone Benders were made. Even the same brand of capacitors have been sourced as NOS:

Pigdog Tone Bender MKI

Original Sola Sound LTD Tone Bender MKI
Gutshot of Pigdog Tone Bender MKI
And this Loony has had a coat of green speckled Nitro applied, check out the effect it has on the Hammerite case:

Pigdog Loony (Tone Bender MKI Replica)
Pigdog Loony Gutshot
Pigdog Electric Eye Fuzz
Pigdog Electric Eye Gutshot
And now a few demo videos of Pigdog pedals in action - it's the Loony first then the Electric Eye and finally the Pigdog Mother:

So there you go - top quality building and great tones too what more do you want? If you want to know more about Pigdog check out: (Note- the website is still under construction but there is an email address there). Or alternatively if you visit the D*A*M Forum his username is "dazed and confused".


Comments are welcome on Revolution Deux. However, please do not spam links to unrelated sites - these comments will be removed! Thanks - Briggs.