Thursday 9 February 2012

Nick Greer - Sucker Punch

Here's another Nick Greer box for you, this time it's something with a little more grit - the Sucker Punch. Here's the description from the Nick Greer website:

"The Sucker Punch is a high gain, thick, meaty true distortion pedal. The pedal utilizes it's own preamp and "power amps" in order to achieve distortion. This allows the pedal to achieve distortion reminiscent of the crunch of a vintage Marshall Lead with power tubes on their warm, glowing death bed. The pedal is not limited, however, to just high gain crunch tones. Players will find a wide range of gain settings on tap, from light/medium amp-like breakup all the way to full on distortion."

And here's a demo of the Sucker Punch in action:

Spaceace76 took one to pieces (with the help of another part I understand) and traced a schematic:

The cap marked "???" is 100nF. It's another 386 distortion with a jfet booster in front. As I've said before I'm not a fan of 386 based distortions due to the nasty decay on the notes - some people like them though... But then again some people do listen to Death Metal ;-)

Here's the forum topic for reference:

1 comment:

  1. sounds alot like the "dead easy dirt" ya can find with google... ;)


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