Monday 23 January 2012

Nicholas Boscorelli - The Stompbox Cookbook

There are a couple of links to sites where you can download the pdf of Nicholas Boscorelli's "The Stompbox Cookbook". Just a year or so ago this book was selling for hundreds second hand and it's out of print so no one could access all the info inside without shelling out the $$$. Now thanks to a few generous people it's free for everyone to see. There are some interesting projects in there, nothing too revolutionary but it certainly worth a read. The section on envelope detection and control is quite interesting and it's got really in depth descriptions of most aspects of common stompbox circuits - perfect for a beginner or someone more advanced.


  1. Related BOOK on Electric Guitar Wiring:

  2. Thanks a Lot!!!

  3. As a proud owner of an original copy who had no intention of selling it, I'm not sure what to say,

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi! Could you upload the book again? The links are dead... THanks!


Comments are welcome on Revolution Deux. However, please do not spam links to unrelated sites - these comments will be removed! Thanks - Briggs.