Saturday 14 January 2012

Bearfoot FX - Model H

The Bearfoot/BJF Model H is supposed to do that "Hi-Watt" tone but without requiring 200 valve driven watts and 100 12" speakers to get there.. Hmmmm, well it does sound pretty nice. Here's a quick demo to enlighten you:

Well the schematic has been drawn up by WhiteKeyHole over at and here it is for viewing:

As you can see the structure is almost identical to a Mad Professor (also designed by BJF) Blueberry. Or a hotrodded Honeybee. If you wanna build yourself one pick up some vero board; here's a layout:

1 comment:

  1. Could I use 180k or 220k resistors instead of the 200k resistors?

    If so, which value would work better?



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