Tuesday 7 April 2009

Zvex Nano Head Schematic?

Yep. It's here alright, I actually drew the schematic up on this one! -

Check it out. Note that the power supply in the scheme is not the original switching type as used in the nano. It'll make no difference to the sound, all the power supply needs to do it provide 230VDC to those plates! You could sub in the power supply from this amp here: http://jjs.at/electronic/class_a_subminiature.html

Demo video:

This was kindly provided by a freestompboxes.org member, many thinks :-)

View the thread here: http://freestompboxes.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=511&p=55083#p55083

Here are some good links regarding sub-mini tube amps - http://amps.zugster.net/projects/subminiature


  1. Hi ! Congratulations for your Work !
    Also, I have a question about your Schematic, there is something strange on it: The two Diodes; Z1 and Z2 are connected from the Gnd to the Gnd serially, is it normal ?
    Many THanks


    1. No: Connected this 2 zener diodes from CT trafo to GND in order to reduce the HV by the zener voltage. JFK-Juerg

    2. Then is the ground symbol on the CT an error? I think that's what he was referring to.

  2. Nonsense,zeners must be serial from center tap to ground !!!! not parallel with the gnd...


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