Monday 27 April 2009

Skreddy - Screwdriver Overdrive

This is a nice project, again from the Freestompboxes disection table. A very dynamic, natural sounding  overdrive from Marc at Skreddy pedals. I know lots of guys out there have been asking for this. So here is a schematic :-)

Demo video is here:

Check out the full thread on the discussion of the Screwdriver in the freestompboxes thread here:

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Zvex Nano Head Schematic?

Yep. It's here alright, I actually drew the schematic up on this one! -

Check it out. Note that the power supply in the scheme is not the original switching type as used in the nano. It'll make no difference to the sound, all the power supply needs to do it provide 230VDC to those plates! You could sub in the power supply from this amp here:

Demo video:

This was kindly provided by a member, many thinks :-)

View the thread here:

Here are some good links regarding sub-mini tube amps -