Thursday 26 June 2008

Skreddy Mayo - Super Big Muff

[This post also includes info on how to build up a Skreddy Pink Flesh work-a-like]

Here is the schematic of the great Skreddy Mayo - a superb modification of the old Electro Harmonix Big Muff. The tone is supposed to be a match for the classic Big Muff Tone from The Smashing Pumpkins "Siamese Dream" album (The name of the pedal harks back to one of the song titles "Mayonnaise"). Now Marc swears by building these with the exact part type specified so if you want the sound - get the right parts. I built one up on breadboard and it was one of the best muff variations that I have played!
As you can see the scheme is drawn by Marc himself, thanks for that Marc, great stuff!

Now the Skreddy Pink Flesh - Marc himself posts that the mods you need to make to the Mayo circuit (apart from transistor selection!) would be:

C1 – 10u
C8 – 4.7n
Cx – 220-470p
C3 – 68n
Mid Boost: Switch in 4.7n parallel to C9
Add a 100R resistor after Dx

Here's a vero layout for it (Drawn by IvIark -, his site is great and has vero board layouts for just about everything!):

And finally a demo video: 

1 comment:

  1. Hi.
    Thanks for the schematic!
    I really want to build this one.
    And I have a question.
    Which value of 'CX' did you use?
    Let me know this, please.
    Have a nice day!


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