Tuesday 11 March 2008

Valve Junior = Supro?

Well yes indeed - you can turn an Ephiphone Valve Junior into an incredible little amp that sounds just like the small combo's that have become famous thanks to Jimmy Page and his use of them on the Led Zepplin II Album.

With my "Suprono" Mods the rather mundane stock Valve Junior circuit turns into an absolute little firecracker, great singing overdrive and sustain which leads off into a hellish feedback! Here are a few pictures of my prototype - I'm awaiting a shipment of high quality parts with which I will finalise my build, upgraded caps, resistors, tubes and, eventually, a nice new output transformer! It's going to be an absolute beast :-)

Here you can see the front panel, modified grill face and retubed with the original cream tubing - it now looks like a real mans amp and not an amp for babies ;-o

Also note the added control pot - this is a treble cut tone control, just like the originals. You can also see the two inputs, one "regular" input, great for jazz or blues with it's mellower sound and a "treble" input for searing rock leads :-)

Sorry for the poor photo quality - my digital camera is out of action. Hopefully I'll get it mended soon so I can get high-res shots up to please all your eyes!


  1. I only use 2 amps, a modified valve junior combo and a 1963 supro, so I am very interested in this project! theboomchucks@gmail.com

  2. Can you tell me more about your Supro build? Are you designing the mods yourself, or using the one from turretboards.com? How about a sound recording?


  3. I designed most of the mods myself. I have a schematic somewhere of the finished project. I'll try and find it when I get back to my books.

  4. So How About It?

    Me wants the schematic, please?
    Supro Supro Baby :)

    Gimme some sugah'

  5. Manner when I am very close
    to my antenna tried multiple antenna sizes and can't get it to act variably. Any help would be greatly.


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