Friday 24 February 2012

Toxic Pedals Muddy Drive = Another repainted JOYO Ultimate Drive...

Ala Freakish Blues the people behind "Toxic Pedals" have gone and done the "buy cheap JOYO clones, repainted/rebrand them and then sell them on as your own." trick. It turns out the Toxic Pedals "Muddy Drive" is the Joyo "Ultimate Drive" (Which is itself a clone of the Fulltone OCD/Voodoo Labs Overdrive) which has been repainted and had a few values on the circuit board switched. Here's some images of the Toxic Pedals "Copenhagen Muddy Drive":

Here's an image of the Muddy Drive (on the left) compared to the Joyo "Ultimate Drive" (on the right):

And if that's not enough here's an image of the top side of the Muddy Drive PCB:

Now, there's nothing technically/legally wrong with doing this. I just think it's a bit cheeky, wouldn't you agree?

Here's the topic on

1 comment:

  1. Hi please see the latest posts on FSB, regarding the pcb compoments. Most likely, not changed.


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