Wednesday 28 January 2009

Danelectro Transparent Overdrive = PaulC Timmy!

^ Check that out! 

The big boys are in town and it looks like they are happy to rip the smaller ones off!

Friday 9 January 2009

BJF Honeybee Traced?

That's what some want to see! Visit the above link to contribute or visit the freestompboxes forum to read the *huge* thread regarding this wonderful gain box :-)

Fred Briggs Overdrive

Here it is, a mix of Zvex Super Hard On, Lovepedal COT50 and my very own Fred Briggs magic.

My favourite circuit to date :-) Build it, it doesn't disappoint!

Fred Briggs - Fuzz

Here is an interesting take on the classic fuzz face design. Note fun "Sag" control and the piggy backed transistors which allow you to tailor the gain of the first transistor just to taste :-) This thing can go from light overdrive to full of spatter fuzz depending on your guitar volume and the sag control setting. Build it up - you won't be disappointed!

Here are a few pictures of my completed build:

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Nick Greer - Green Giant

Thanks again to the Freestompboxes community (samhambone for the original scheme and purplepeopleeater for the cleaned up version) we have a schematic for the Nick Greer Green Giant overdrive pedal. As you can see it's a simple "Electra Overdrive" with a pot added between the diodes and the signal to raise the clipping threshold. It's an interesting control which I have been using in a range of designs at the moment too. Check it out :-) Thanks again Freestompboxes.

Here is a description taken from the Greer Website:

"One of Nick Greer's personal favorites. Formerly built by Greer Amplification for endorsers only. A basic distortion unit with a limiter between the output of the signal and the clipping section of the diodes. The knob is labeled clean mix and allows the user to limit the amount of signal being distorted, resulting in a sound much that of the clean signal being mixed in on top of the distorted signal. Great for country, rock, and blues players who want good sounding distortion with the ability to dial the amount of hair."

Sunday 4 January 2009

Lovestuff - Porkies = Lovepedal Believe

Here is another lovepedal wonder. A gut shot of the early "Believe" pedal. As you can see by comparing the gut shot to the PCB from general guitar gadgets; it's a Dan Armstrong Green Ringer octave clone.... You can find the General Guitar Gadgets project here.

The Green Ringer is a great little octave circuit. Try it after an overdrive like a tube screamer or RAT for some great octave up tones :-)